Digital detox

On the 4th of May I was reminded by my WordPress account that I started this blog and insta page a year ago on that date.

It made me reflect a lot on the journey I’ve been on. Not just the past year that I’ve shared but I also looked back on the past two and a half years with Anna. I read over some session notes I made since the first meeting we had. I then looked at notes I made from sessions with my first therapist which started in Feb 2013. It made me reflect even further back to my teen years when I started looking into self help off the back of a very brief interaction with a child psychologist.

My life has changed beyond recognition since then. And even in the past 12 months things have changed so much. My daily life is different, my mental health has improved. My self awareness has grown. My needs are different. But also… it made me wonder what I’m looking for… and what do I get here that I could be getting in my ‘real life’ if this wasn’t here. My avoidant tendencies quite enjoy the anonymous intimacy of the page but I could do with pushing myself to step outside the comfort zone a bit with the people I live with… namely my husband.

I’m considering taking a step back from the social media side of my therapy journey for a while. I’ve been thinking about these plates Anna is always talking about that I’m spinning and the gears Linda encouraged me to move down. My life is busy and somewhat stressful and very full. And the people in front of me need my full attention when often I am pulled by the bright lights and neat little squares of Instagram. I’m curious to see what happens when I take away the distraction and self medication of the screen. I’ll probably still keep my private pages going though I might take a break from that as well. In the past when I’ve had a digital detox, only good things came from it. I’m feeling the need for another.

I know there are a number of people who talk to me regularly on my Instagram page so I’ll give notice before I make any decisions to disable the account but I guess I’m just sharing my thoughts here. I think my family would benefit from me spending less time online and quite possibly I would too!

8 thoughts on “Digital detox

  1. LovingSummer

    I can really understand wanting to put social media and blogging down in favour of ‘real life’, though I have to be honest, you have been such a good blog to follow, I’ll really miss you. I remember a blogger wrote recently that many people write for a year then drop off, so maybe it’s a natural progression. It’s brilliant that you don’t need to be blogging the same way, and your most recent posts have been so strong, you can see how far you’ve come and maybe you’ve reached that place now. Sob! Stay well Lucy, in all completeness, I wish you so many good things in life 🤗

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for your supportive comment and for all the support! I’ve always journaled since I was a teenager and when I’ve written long and detailed notes after every session I’ve ever had so that’s not going to stop despite not making it public. I’ll be back I’m sure but the break is needed. It takes up too much of my time and I already have a very full on job and young kids raking up a lot of my attention. Editing my journals for the blog takes up a lot of my time and I’m not sure it’s entirely therapeutic for me. But I’ll see how I feel about it when I’ve taken a step back. Thank you and keep well 💞

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 💕💕💕
    Take care….
    I don’t have your responsibilities and find I’m on here way too much. You can always take a break, or set a time once a week to log on and keep it away (if that’s something you can do).
    Whatever you do is amazing coz you’re looking after yourself and your family…

    Liked by 3 people

  3. slantgirl

    I’ll miss your blog & insta a lot! Both have been such an inspiration to me – you often articulate exactly what I’m experiencing in T & with parenting after trauma. But yes, it’s a lot of work (you’ll notice I don’t have a blog or therapeutic alias insta!), and at a certain point it likely isn’t therapeutic. I hope you find the balance you’re looking for!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I feel the same way!! Instagram and social media in general can get really mentally draining, and I think it’s amazing that you’re taking care of yourself by stepping away from it. I just got out of a 30-day Instagram detox (actually I just wrote a post about my experience), and I feel GREAT. I hope you come out of it feeling amazing as well!

    Liked by 1 person

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